2024 General Elections: How to Vote in South Africa

how to vote in south africa 2024

You’ve made the decision to cast a ballot in the approaching election, but are you unsure of what to do or what to anticipate? Welcome to our voting procedure guide.

How Voting Works

  • Visit the voting location where you are registered on election day (verify your voter registration status to find out where you are registered).
  • You can cast your ballot at any station in the nation during both national and provincial elections; however, you can only cast your ballot in the national election if you vote at a station outside of the province in which you are registered.
  • Present the voting officer with either a temporary identity certificate or your green, bar-coded South African ID book.
    The voting official verifies that the voters’ roll contains your name.
  • The Presiding Officer must verify your proof of registration if it is provided, such as a registration sticker, even if your name is not on the voter list.
  • Once the documentation has been verified, you will be permitted to vote as a regular voter and will need to fill out a VEC4 form for national elections or a MEC7 form for municipal elections.
  • Your name is taken off the roll, your ID is stamped on the second page, and your thumbnail is inked once the voting officer certifies that you are a registered voter, possess the proper identification, and haven’t cast your ballot yet.
  • One official ballot paper for each election is stamped on the back by the voting officer before being handed to you.
    Bring your ballot paper or papers to an empty voting booth, mark them, fold them so your decision is hidden, and deposit them in the voting box.

Note: Each election allows you to cast one vote alone.

Step-by-step Guide on How to Cast Your Vote in South Africa

Locate the Appropriate Voting Station.

Find Voting Station

Make sure you have the address of the voting location that corresponds to your registered voting district. The majority of polling places are found in public buildings such as neighborhood churches, schools, or community centers.

Voting booths are erected under tents in parks and other open spaces when structures are not an option. We employ mobile polling stations made specifically for vehicles in certain remote areas with low population densities.

There are big, obvious signs outside each voting location designating it as such. On election days, voting locations are open from 7:00 am to 21:00 pm. To locate the appropriate location, use the Voting Location Finder.

At the Voting Station’s Entrance, Show the Door Controller Your Valid Identification Document

how to vote

An election official who acts as a door controller is stationed at the voting station’s entrance. He or she will verify that you are in possession of a legitimate form of identification (such as a temporary ID certificate, smart-card ID, or green barcoded ID book), scan it, and give you a slip attesting to your voter registration. Along with informing you when it is your turn to enter the voting station, the door controller will also provide you with directions once you are inside.

Verify Your Listing on the Voter Registration List.

how to vote: CheckVotersRoll

After entering the polling place, you will go to the voters’ roll table where election authorities will collect your ID and look up your name and identity number on the relevant voting district’s section of the national common voters’ roll. After that, your name will be crossed out manually to make sure each voter casts a single ballot. Then your left thumb nail will be inked by an election officer. This unique ink won’t come off of your nails for a few days. It will be evident to everybody that you took part in the election thanks to this ink mark!

Obtain Your Ballot Papers

how to vote

Your ballots will then be handed to you by an election officer, who will peel off the pad. Every ballot paper has a distinct number, and in order to confirm that it was sent to you on election day, you need to make sure the reverse of your ballots has a stamp. Voters typically receive two ballots for municipal elections in metro areas and local councils (one for a ward councillor and one for a political party as part of the PR section of the election). In contrast, voters for national and provincial elections typically receive two ballots (one for the national and one for the provincial election). A third ballot paper is distributed to voters in districts that are included in the district council election.

Get the Stamps on Your Identity Documents.

how to vote

An election official will next stamp your green ID book, provided that served as your identity document, to confirm that you cast a ballot

Locate a Vacant Polling Place and Mark Your ‘X’

how to vote

After that, you’ll be led to a vacant voting booth. Here, select the political party and/or candidate of your choosing by placing your X in the box next to them.

Make sure you just make one mark per ballot paper and that the mark is visible in order to prevent a spoiled ballot. Call an election official if you make a mistake, and they will give you a fresh ballot. Fold your ballots in half when you’re done, then exit the voting booth.

We would like to remind you that taking pictures of your marked ballot paper is prohibited. so please, no selfies!

Please Cast Your Vote

how to vote

Every ballot you cast will be examined by an election officer stationed at the ballot box to ensure that it has a stamp on the reverse. After marking your choice, insert the completed ballot paper into the opening at the top of the ballot box.

Ensuring Fair and Impartial Voting

how to vote

Once you have cast your vote, you will be led to the exit. Recall that independent national and international observers, as well as members of political parties, are present during the entire voting and counting process to monitor it and guarantee that it is impartial and free.

Voters with Physical Disabilities

You can designate a helper at the polling place if you are physically or visually handicapped.

You can also cast your vote with assistance from the Presiding Officer, but you must be present together with an observer and, if available, two agents from separate parties.

Incorrect Ballots

Simply ask the Presiding Officer for a fresh vote paper if you realize you have marked a ballot paper wrongly before inserting it into the voting box. Please make sure that the wrong voting paper has a “cancelled” marking.

Your ballot cannot be taken out of the ballot box once it is inside.


If a voter has been refused a ballot paper or given too many, or if you have any issues regarding the behavior of a voting officer, party representative, or any other individual present, you should voice your concerns.

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