A Few Instances of Ineffective Collaboration – BBMzansi

There have been times when the Sya Mosha housemates have failed to collaborate as a team, leading to the loss of assignments and challenges. This occurs when housemates prepare for duties without considering one another’s points of view, which frequently causes friction and disagreement.

Following this week’s subject of “Together We Stand/Teamwork/One Team, One Dream,” we’ve chosen to examine the times when the housemates’ inability to work together as a team cost them a few victories and caused havoc.

The First Wager

While it’s not shocking that the housemates lost their first wager, there were rumors that PapaGhost controlled all aspect of the wager’s preparation and gave his roommates very little chance to contribute significantly, which led to the wager’s defeat.

This was made clear on the second live broadcast when Pale and McJunior confirmed Lawrence Maleka’s claim that they and the other housemates had discussions in which they said that PapaGhost was too powerful and prevented them from working together.

The debriefing on Valentine’s Day

Biggie organized a high tea event for the housemates on Valentine’s Day as a way for them to express their love for one another. Even though the housemates cooperated, the event itself was unremarkable. The housemates complained to Biggie in their journal entries that they were dissatisfied with the occasion and thought more might have been done. Els berated Biggie about the male roommates’ lack of cooperation in order to do more and give the female housemates a sense of exclusivity. Speaking to Biggie, Jareed, Young Pappi, and Zee also expressed Els’ sentiments over the occasion.

The incident involving the steak

The housemates became vegan for health week, but most of them found it challenging because they could not picture living without meat for a week. But before he presented their stake, Biggie gave them a tasty offer: he gave them a plate of steak.

There were a few restrictions attached to this offer, though: the wager would go from 80% to 90% if one housemate consumed the steak, and it would increase from 80% to 100% if multiple housemates consumed the steak.

Unfortunately, Biggie’s temptation was too much for the housemates to resist, so Lerato Modise bit into the steak and shared it with Yolanda. The house may have lost all of its money on their performance, but good fortune was on their side as Biggie accepted their wager, exempting them from all of the previously mentioned requirements.

The week of love wager

The housemates were paired off and given songs to perform as their wager presentation in order to win their wager during the week of love. The housemates promptly got to work, but Biggie pointed out at their presentation that some of them had clearly not grasped the value of working as a team.

He declared that they had lost their wager since the performances lacked originality and, to some extent, were gimmicky. Several other housemates, including Willy and Young Pappi, expressed similar opinions to Biggie’s when they criticized some of his roommates’ subpar performances.

It will be interesting to observe how the roommates’ increased teamwork and improved performance in upcoming activities are a result of this week’s topic.

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