A Former Security Guard Was Given a 20-Year Prison Sentence for Killing a Man During the Civil Unrest in July 2021.

Former security guard sentenced to 20 years for murder during July unrest

A former security guard was given a 20-year prison sentence for killing a man during the civil disturbances in July 2021. Joel Pillay was convicted by the Scottburgh High Court of killing Lindani Mthethwa in Verulam.

Mthethwa was shot, according to the prosecution, as he was strolling along Ireland Street.

Pillay allegedly drove passed Mthethwa in a private security company car before shooting him in the manner of an execution, according to NPA spokesperson Natasha Kara in KZN.

“In sentencing Pillay, the court deviated from the minimum sentence of life imprisonment, citing that he was a first offender when he committed the offence.”

Pillay was judged incompetent to possess a firearm by the court and received the appropriate penalty.

The prosecution and other parties involved in getting the conviction are commended by the NPA.

The event happened on July 12, 2021, according to Natasha Ramkisson-Kara, a spokesman for the KZN National Prosecuting Authority (NPA).

Driving a security company-owned marked car, Pillay came across Lindani Mthethwa, the deceased, on Ireland Street in Verulam. Pillay reversed his car and headed back in the direction of Mthethwa. Pillay killed Mthethwa at the spot by shooting him in the head as soon as he got to his side of the car and lowering the window.

Advocate Thabani Buthelezi gave the testimony of two eyewitnesses to the shooting throughout the trial. The court also took into account specifics regarding the tracking device that was put in Pillay’s car that day.

Despite Pillay being a first-time offender, Ramkisson-Kara said the court disregarded the mandatory life sentence. Pillay was consequently found unfit to own a firearm and given a 20-year prison sentence.

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