After His Wife Dies, a Soweto Man Commits Suicide.

Seven days after his wife was laid to rest, an old man committed suicide because he could not bear to live without her. South Africans grieving for the man shed tears upon hearing of his passing.

After his wife, Esther, was buried on March 23, Eric Ndaba allegedly doused himself with gasoline, according to Sunday World. When Phandelani, his grandson, visited him on Saturday, March 30, he discovered that the house’s gates were shut. After knocking and getting no response, he scaled the fence.

When Phandelani noticed smoke emanating from the home, the neighbors forcibly opened the door for him after he unsuccessfully knocked. Ndaba was discovered dead and laying on the floor. Marcus Mahuma, Esther’s brother, disclosed that Eric suffered from depression following the death of his wife and found it difficult to deal with her absence due to a shattered heart.

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