An Elephant Assaults a Car, Killing an Elderly Tourist

Elderly tourist dies when elephant attacks vehicle

In Zambia’s Kafue National Park, an elephant assaulted a wildlife viewing van, resulting in the death of an elderly American tourist.

A Scary Video Showed the Elephant Storming the Car

Social media users are already sharing a terrifying video of the elephant jumping on the car and eventually flipping it over.

A statement from the safari company Wilderness stated that the event happened on Saturday, March 30, while going on a game drive from the Lufapa camp.

This Tragic Event Took Place on Saturday

Wilderness says that on Saturday, while on a game drive at its destination in Zambia’s Kafue National Park, a bull elephant sadly murdered an 80-year-old female American visitor.

In the car was a tour guide and six passengers. Another hurt woman was admitted to a hospital in South Africa.

Tragicly, the 80-year-old Woman Died

“On Saturday at around 09:30, the bull elephant suddenly charged the van as the six visitors were on a game drive.

“Unfortunately, in this case, the terrain and vegetation were such that the guide’s route became blocked, and he could not move the vehicle out of harm’s way quickly enough,” the statement reads. “Our guides are all incredibly well trained and experienced.”

says Chief Executive Officer of Wilderness, Keith Vincent.

“the Guide’s Route Got Blocked, Making It Hard for Him to Manage the Vehicle Fast Enough.”

Vincent sent a chopper to the location and called the Kafue National Park management right once to ask for help.

He continued by saying that the Department of National Parks & Wildlife, the police, and other authorities are looking into the occurrence because of its nature.

A South African Hospital Took in Another Woman With Injuries

We are truly sorry for the family of the deceased guest; this is a horrible tragedy. Naturally, we also stand with the visitors and the guide who were a part of this upsetting event.

stated Vincent.
Vincent added that “out of respect for the deceased’s family and the other parties involved,” the park itself did not disclose images or video of the incident.

“We Offer the Family Our Sincere Condolences.”

According to Vincent, the US embassy in Lusaka and the Zambian government will offer the support required to return the victim’s body to the US.

A vengeful elephant was seen attacking a safari vehicle in the Pilanesberg National Park two weeks ago.

Once the video was uploaded to YouTube and social media, it instantly gained popularity.

A big, obviously irate elephant bull is shown in the video standing in the center of the road.

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