Bail Requests for the Alleged Murderers of AKA and Tibz Are Still Pending.

Today will see the guys accused of killing Kiernan “AKA” Forbes and Tebello Motsoane resume their bail application.

The Durban Magistrate’s Court is where five of the seven defendants are expected to return.

The main detective’s affidavit was combed through by the State, which is opposed to bail.

The document describes the accused’s purported involvement in detail using witness accounts, cell phone usage, and vehicle tracking.

According to Kumarasan Pillay, Mziwethemba Gwabeni, the fourth accused, received about R800,000 after the killings.

He claims that Bright Circle Ltd., a business with local businessman Sydney Mfunda Gcaba listed as a director, is the source of the money exchanged with Gwabeni’s co-accused.

Pillay claims that the one-time payment—which the transfer identified as a “consult”—was intended for the murders.

Gwabeni previously testified in court that he received the money in exchange for his labor for the business.

He says that because his co-accused had been his security guards, the money he paid them was back pay.

The payment was a component of a legal commercial transaction, the Gcaba family stated in a statement over the weekend.

The State intends to conclude its case today.

After that, the accused’s counsel will have a chance to reply.

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