Budget Speech 2024: Godongwana Allocates R848 Billion for Medical Care

According to Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana, R848 billion has been set aside for health services under the government’s Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), a method for managing conflicting policy objectives and financial constraints.

This includes R1.4 billion for the National Health Insurance (NHI) grant during the same period, R27.3 billion for infrastructure, and R11.6 billion to address the 2023 wage agreement.

Activities in Progress Before the Complete Rollout of NHI

“Although many of these initiatives are already in motion, more work needs to be done before the NHI can be implemented widely. Additionally, there has been a noticeable improvement in low-income commuters’ access to public transportation services, Madam Speaker Godongwana stated.

During his presentation of the nation’s 2024 National Budget Speech on Wednesday, he stated that the funding for the NHI is evidence of the government’s dedication to this program.


Critics of the NHI bill, including analysts, corporations, and medical experts, have criticized the government’s intentions to maintain section 33 of the bill unaltered.

In this part, the role of medical aids in South African healthcare would be reduced and eventually eliminated.

Provinces Got Additional R105 Billion

“A variety of system-strengthening initiatives that are essential to the implementation of an enhanced public health care system still need to be carried out,” he stated.

Godongwana continued, “Provinces will receive an additional R105.5 billion rand over the next three years to cover the cost of implementing the 2023 public-service wage agreement, primarily in the education and health sectors.”

An additional R2.3 billion was allotted by the IEC for the elections.

He added that the Independent Electoral Commission has been given an extra R2.3 billion to ensure that it can carry out its tasks both during and after elections.

An additional R350 million is allotted to the defense and police departments to facilitate elections. As political parties get ready for the general elections, an additional R200 million will be set aside for their finance, according to Godongwana.

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