Chief Justice Raymond Zondo Allegedly Believes He Owns and Oversees the State Capture Report According to ANC Chairperson Gwede Mantashe

Chief Justice Raymond Zondo allegedly believes he owns the state capture report, as well as the administration and implementation of its recommendations, according to ANC chairperson and Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy Gwede Mantashe.

Mantashe reportedly told Zondo to let go and quit making the state capture allegation about himself, according to the Mail & Guardian. On Tuesday, he gave a speech at the Africa Energy Indaba.

Zondo, This is Not About You – Mantashe

“I consider Justice Zondo’s vulnerability to be a very serious one. He is tasked with forming a panel of investigation. He desires to take control of it. Mantashe stated, “You talk about him when you talk about the commission.

Chief Justice Zondo stated in the third section of the State Capture Commission’s report that if the matter was looked into further, authorities would probably discover proof that Mantashe was corrupt in his interactions with the logistics company Bosasa, which paid for improvements to his house when he was the ANC secretary general.

Zero First-Hand Evidence Relating to Mantashe

Mantashe, who rejected the report, claimed that the Zondo Commission had suggested that he be looked into by another organization even though there was no prima facie evidence against him.

“They’re hopeful that something will be discovered by another organization. He remarked, “I don’t know what fresh they will find because [the Zondo commission] conducted an inquiry and found nothing.

State Capture Report Mentions 97 ANC Members

The state capture investigation named at least 97 ANC members, including notable figures like the national chairman and Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy Gwede Mantashe.

Other notable figures are current ANC MPs and previous ministers, as well as Deputy Secretary-General Nomvula Mokonyane, Minister of Sport, Arts, and Culture Zizi Kodwa, Deputy Defense Minister Thabang Makwetla, and Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation David Mahlobo.

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