City Power Reports That the Nancefield and Eldorado Substations Remain Offline After Wednesday’s Major Orlando Switching Station Outage.

City Power

Following the significant power loss at the Orlando Switching Station on Wednesday, City Power reports that the Nancefield and Eldorado substations remain offline.

According to the utility, technical teams are looking into what’s causing the power outages.

Teams are continuing hard at work, according to City electricity spokesman Isaac Mangena, with operations targeted at restoring electricity to customers serviced by the Nancefield and Eldorado Park substations.

“We want to reassure our clients that we will do all in our power to get the supply back up as quickly as possible.

We are still unable to provide an approximate restoration time at this time. As soon as work on the site continues, we will communicate more.”

At the Pennyville, Mayfair, Industria, Eikenhof, Soweto, Nirvana, and Hursthill Substations, supply has been restored thus far.

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