Clever Ideas for Extending the Shelf Life of Food in the Refrigerator

smart tips to keep food fresh for longer in the refrigerator

Nowadays, most of us keep a variety of products and special recipes in the refrigerator to preserve their freshness and safety for eating.

Food waste can be significantly decreased by keeping a refrigerator that is well-managed and organized.

Here are a few easy recommendations to remember in order to maximize the shelf life of your food products stored in the refrigerator and to increase the operation of your refrigerator.

1. Classify and arrange: An orderly refrigerator facilitates food retrieval and preserves freshness. Foods that are frequently used in tandem can be stacked and kept in transparent containers for simple identification. Don’t overstock or cram undesired foods into the refrigerator.

2. Appropriate temperature settings: Keep food items in the appropriate region of the refrigerator and at the appropriate temperature to prolong their shelf life. Some items keep better in the freezer section, while others must be kept in the refrigerator to retain their maximum freshness. Modern 4-door and frost-free refrigerators have fast convertible options that allow you to switch portions between the freezer and the refrigerator quickly, depending on how much space you need.

3. Use the “first in, first out” technique while keeping food, giving older and/or shorter-lasting items priority over newer ones. By ensuring that food with older expiration dates is used first, this approach helps prevent food waste.

4. What to keep in the refrigerator: The best things to keep in the refrigerator are fruits, vegetables, pickles, dressings, sauces, milk and dairy products, chocolates, cooked food, and eggs. The freezer area is better for frozen foods, such as ice cream, pulps and purees, meat, and poultry. For example, products like packaged foods should have labels indicating whether they should be kept in the refrigerator or the freezer.

5. What not to keep in the fridge: You shouldn’t refrigerate foods like onions since they can take on flavors or textures you don’t like. Steer clear of oils, makeup, honey, and some fruits like bananas or oranges. Additionally, before refrigerating cooked food, it is advised to let it cool to room temperature.

6. Avoid cross-contamination: To avoid moisture loss, preserve flavors, and stop any odor from circulating throughout the refrigerator, store leftovers or strongly scented meals in sealed containers. To keep the smell of raw meats and seafood from permeating the refrigerator, store them in the freezer or on other shelves. Juices should be contained in leak-proof containers to prevent them from coming into touch with other meals.

7. Extra attention to perishables: Fruits and vegetables, in particular, should be cleaned and dried before being stored in the refrigerator because moisture can hasten the deterioration of these foods. Additionally, you can spin-dry your greens prior to storing them in the fridge.

8. Food safety: Temperature control is the main method used by standard refrigerators to preserve food. Godrej’s sophisticated frost-free refrigerators, on the other hand, go a step further and come with Nano Shield Technology (patent pending). Better food safety is provided by their 95%+ food surface cleaning against microorganisms. Technologies like this help protect your family’s health and reduce food waste in an era where food is transferred from the farm to your home and is more contaminated than ever.

9. Limit the amount of time the refrigerator door is open in order to preserve cold air and keep a constant temperature. Avoid opening the door frequently and close doors correctly. Additionally, don’t forget to promptly close the refrigerator door after using it. By keeping food from experiencing frequent heat shocks, this lowers energy consumption and prolongs the shelf life of food.

10. Pre-holiday cleanout: Get rid of perishable goods that could spoil while you’re away or before long stretches of time without using them. This lessens the possibility of ruined food and avoids offensive odors. Modern refrigerators have programmable modes, so you may put it in “holiday mode” while you’re gone to save electricity.

11. Routine maintenance and cleaning: Clean up spilled food right away, wipe off shelves, and periodically check for expired goods. Safe food storage is ensured by a clean refrigerator, which also helps to avoid odors. Get your refrigerator checked by an authorized service provider if you think the cooling isn’t working at its best.

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