Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Safari


Over 30 million tourists visit Africa each year; if you intend to go on safari there, here are some pitfalls to avoid.

Avoid Putting on Fragrance

First of all, avoid wearing perfume while you intend to explore and enjoy the safari. Wearing perfume is prohibited because some scents from sprays can frighten away animals, making it harder to locate them. Another concern is that some of the perfumes’ odd scents may make animals more hostile, which could endanger guests.

Give up Smoking

Since smoking can have an adverse effect on others, it is often forbidden in public places. Similar to being on a safari with other guests, smoking is not advised as it may have an adverse effect on non-smokers.

It is also not permitted to smoke during a safari since the smell, similar to deodorant, can frighten away or incite violent behavior in animals, endangering the guests’ lives.

Making Animal Sounds

It’s strictly forbidden to yell at animals when you see them! The vehicle you are in will be the only thing the animals see during the sighting. Whether you are very far away or extremely close to the animals, you should never yell at them because doing so may frighten them away or make them attack the guests. For everyone’s safety, you must thus continue to be a silent “OBSERVER” and refrain from calling or yelling at animals.

Getting up When You See an Animal

It is not necessary for you to stand when you are in a car at an animal sighting in order to observe effectively. It’s risky to stand at a sighting. Animals may notice this, and the last thing you want is to draw the attention of a famished lion. For the sake of everyone’s safety, never stand inside a moving car.

Avoid Moving Quickly

Remember that anything can go wrong when you see an animal because sometimes they behave strangely. You must therefore remain composed no matter what happens.

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