DA is Under Fire for Its Latest Election Advertisement That Features the Burning of the South African Flag.


The Democratic Alliance (DA) has faced criticism for its most recent election advertisement from a number of sources.

The brief advertisement features a picture of the South African flag catching fire.

On Sunday night, the advertisement was unveiled at the party’s Johannesburg headquarters.

Since then, it has been posted on other social media networks.

DA leader John Steenhuisen told the media on Sunday night that the party wished to issue a dire warning about the dangers facing the nation’s constitutional democracy.

“This advertising shows you what will happen to South Africa in the future if people do not vote for the Democratic Alliance.

Steenhuisen described it as a warning of what the future of this nation would hold under a Doomsday Coalition of the ANC, the EFF, maybe MK, and mercenary little groups like the Patriotic Alliance.

A narrator in the advertisement warns of South Africa’s impending collapse under an ANC-EFF alliance.

Steenhuisen thinks that following the 2024 elections, the ANC, EFF, and the Zuma faction may decide to collaborate, which would be detrimental to South Africa.

“Private property rights will be eliminated and expropriation without compensation will occur under the Doomsday Coalition. The Doomsday Coalition intends to nationalize and demolish foreign companies, banks, mining, and investments.

“This nation will experience unprecedented levels of racial and ethnic warfare as a result of the Doomsday Coalition. The harsh reality is that, with the aid of its little proxies, the Doomsday Coalition, which consists of the ANC and EFF, has already seized control of Johannesburg and Ekurhuleni.

“It will be pounding on the doors of the Union Buildings next year.”

Every patriot and freedom-loving individual in this country should be horrified by this truth, according to Steenhuisen.

South Africans did not take well to the advertisement, believing the DA was demeaning the flag.

Among the first to voice her opinion was former public protector Thuli Madonsela, who said that burning the flag was a bad idea.

“It seems to show disrespect and disloyalty to the flag, which to many of us is more than a flag but a symbol of triumph against apartheid, In some countries, it’s even a crime to burn the flag,” stated Madonsela.

In response, Clayson Monyela, a spokesman for the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO), stated that the public’s fury was quite understandable.

“There are two problems.

destroying a unified national emblem 🌿🌦. There is every reason for the public’s fury.

“For the first time, the ANC WILL lose its majority” is a bold but untrue assertion. Although it is declared as a fact, the result of the election is still unknown. It would have been okay if they had stated, “Opinion polls suggest that the ANC will lose its majority…” Voters are discouraged and apathy is fueled by such misinformation, Monyela said.

The DA answered the critiques.

The crucial decision that our nation must make in this election is outlined in this advertisement.

Life is only going to grow worse under this combination of corruption. And as this latest advertisement’s burning of the South African flag symbolizes, the whole fabric of our nation will be shattered.

Politics is no longer the only issue in this election. It has to do with surviving.

“Although this advertisement depicts the burning of our country’s beloved flag, the flag’s subsequent reconstruction symbolizes that, should we make the right decision, South Africa can be saved and this situation can be turned around,” the DA on X stated.

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