Eight Possible Migrant Bodies Were Discovered on a Beach in Southern Mexico

Eight suspected migrants’ bodies were discovered on a beach in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca on Friday; the remains are thought to have been victims of a boat accident, according to the prosecutor’s office.

The prosecutor stated in a statement, “The victims were reportedly involved in an accident while traveling aboard a boat off the coast of Oaxaca.”

One man had survived the incident, it was added.

Preliminary evidence suggests that the individuals discovered might have been part of a migration situation, the statement stated, adding that the victims were thought to be “of Asian origin.”

Playa Vicente in San Francisco del Mar, the shoreline where the remains were found, is near a path that is regularly traveled by individuals attempting to enter the United States.

Every year, thousands of undocumented migrants attempt to cross the border into the United States by traveling through Mexico. These migrants frequently avoid poverty and violence in their native countries.

China, India, and Uzbekistani nationals were among the migrants detained last year while trying to enter Mexico, according to government statistics.

Mexican immigration facilities and shelters are overflowing due to the increasing migrant population, and the US administration is putting more pressure on Mexico to address this problem.

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