Five Incredible Locations in South Africa

Incredible Locations in SA

There are many breathtaking sights to see in South Africa, besides the well-known Table Mountain, Soweto Towers, and Cango Caves.

The Tallest Residential Building

The Tallest Residential Building

Africa’s highest residential structure is the Ponte Tower in Johannesburg, sometimes referred to as the Ponte City Apartments. The structure was designed by Manfred Hermer. In 1975, it was constructed. The structure resembles a tube with a light-letting aperture in the middle. The structure is 54 stories tall. It can be disorienting to gaze up at the sky from the inner courtyard.

The Biggest Pineapple Building in the World

Largest pineapple building in the world is The Big Pineapple, located in the Eastern Cape, outside of Bathurst. The majority of the region is made up of agricultural land. Production of pineapples is a major industry.

It was difficult for the 18th-century settlers to raise crops in the region until they started planting pineapples. Naturally, the people chose to honor the fruit and the sweet profits it provided by establishing a huge structure in its likeness. In the 1980s, members of Bathurst’s farming community built the Big Pineapple.

Amazing Book Lovers’ Experience

A wonderful gem for history buffs and book lovers may be found in Johannesburg’s central business district. Nearly every square inch of this eight-story structure is occupied with over a million things kept in Collectors Treasury.

It’s the biggest bookstore on the continent for rare and used books. Guests will be astounded by what they discover. If you search closely, you can find some extremely valuable items, such first-edition books and novels that are unique to you. Collectors Treasury offers thousands of vinyl records, newspapers, maps, prints, engravings, and pictures in addition to books.

Adam’s Calendar Built With Stones

Adam's Calendar

Adam’s Calendar sometimes referred to as the Enkis Calendar, is a standing stone circle in Mpumalanga with a circumference of roughly 30 meters. Because of its resemblance to Stonehenge in Britain, many refer to it as the “African Stonehenge.” Many scholars consider it to be the oldest man-made edifice in the world, with an estimated age of 75,000 years.

The world’s only almost complete and operational megalithic stone calendar is most likely Adam’s Calendar. One of the most breathtaking sights in South Africa is this. When pilot Johan Heine began taking pictures of the area in 2003, the location gained notice from the general public. Experts initially believed the ruins to be the remnants of a cow kraal.

Sa’s Very First Post Box

The first post office in South Africa was a tree! The location where a Portuguese sea captain “posted” the nation’s first letter is commemorated by the Post Office Tree in Mossel Bay, Western Cape. Pedro D’Ataide’s ship broke away from the other vessels voyaging eastward in the 1500s.

At that time known as the “watering place of São Brás,” D’Ataide touched down at Mossel Bay. He tied a Portuguese sailor’s shoe to a tree and placed a letter inside. July 1501, the fourth Portuguese armada to reach India discovered his message. There were stormy seas to the east, the letter informed them.

In response, the commander of this fleet penned a message on a stone that was discovered in 1850. Ships that anchored in the area to obtain supplies began to communicate with one another by leaving posts ashore.

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