Five Places of Worship Where God is Not Worshipped

churches where God isn’t worshipped

The initial image that most people have of churches is of places where people gather to worship God.

Even though everyone knows this, there are situations in which it is not applicable.

Put differently, there are churches all throughout the world where people do not worship God. It sounds strange, doesn’t it?

The following five churches from throughout the globe fit this description:

1. The Maradona Church

By erecting a chapel in honor of the legend Diego Maradona, some ardent football enthusiasts have gone above and beyond in their devotion to the Argentine football player. Iglesia Maradoniana, also referred to as the “Church of Maradona,” is an Argentinean church with more than 500,000 adherents worldwide.

Maradona is essentially considered a god in this church, and everything that is done is modeled after him. You must swear allegiance to Maradona and the Church’s tenets in order to join the Church of Maradona. In the Church of Maradona, you had to score a goal with your left fist, much like Maradona did in the 1986 World Cup, in order to be eligible for baptism. The calendar and precepts of this church are likewise centered around the football player.

2. Church Of Bey

church of Bey

The well-known singer Beyoncé Knowles has a chapel named after her. The National Church of Bey is the name of the church, and its adherents follow a movement known as Beyism. This church’s members perform Beyoncé’s songs throughout services because they fervently think that she is a goddess.

3. Cannabis Church

The Church of Cannabis is another place of worship where God is not honored. The church is dedicated to cannabis, as the name suggests. Members of these three churches—all in the United States—think that marijuana is what brings them all together. One rule governs the Church of Cannabis: treat people how you would like to be treated.

4. Yeezus Church

Similar to how Maradona’s admirers built a cathedral in honor of him, Kanye West’s followers did the same. Kanye West is the center of this so-called Church of Yeezus, despite the fact that he has never identified with it. Members of the Church of Yeezus, who call themselves Ye’ciples, consider the rapper to be the deity and savior of humanity.

5. The Flying Spaghetti Monster Church

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, whose adherents worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM), is another contentious church where God is not the primary focus.

This church was intended to be satire. Bobby Henderson established it as a satirical religion in 2005 in reaction to debates about the inclusion of intelligent design and evolution in the curriculum of public schools. However, it has since expanded to gain a large following of people who utilize humor and satire to bring up important issues about the confluence of public policy, education, and religion.

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