How Much is a Buffalo in South Africa?

Buffalo in SA

Retail prices for live buffalo from South Africa range from US$ 7.80 to US$ 11.70 per kilogram, or from US$ 3.54 to US$ 5.31 per pound (lb).

In Johannesburg and Cape Town, the retail price range for live buffalo is between ZAR 151.51 and ZAR 227.27 per kilogram, or between ZAR 68.71 and ZAR 103.07 per pound (lb).

Wholesale Prices of Buffalo in South Africa: The anticipated wholesale price range for live buffalo from South Africa in 2024 is US$ 2.48 to US$ 3.71 per pound, or US$ 5.46 to US$ 8.19 per kilogram (kg).

Live Buffalo Export Prices from South Africa: Historical Data, Current Trends, and Forecast

Over the past five years, there has been a significant fluctuation in the export price per kilogram of live buffalo from South Africa. The price was 0.62 US dollars per kilogram in 2017; in 2018, it significantly increased to 2.41 US dollars per kilogram. The price fell to 1.03 US dollars per kilogram in 2019 and then increased to 1.93 US dollars per kilogram in 2020.

The price has decreased to 0.38 US dollars per kilogram this year, 2021. The export price per kilogram of live buffalo from South Africa is expected to stay mostly consistent going forward, rising a little to 0.37 US dollars per kilogram in 2022 and then again to 0.45 US dollars per kilogram in 2023. We project that the price will stay at 0.45 US dollars per kilogram in 2024.

Live Buffalo Import Prices from South Africa: Historical Data, Current Trends, and Forecast

Over the previous five years, there has been a significant fluctuation in the import price per kilogram of live buffalo into South Africa. The cost per kilogram was 0.62 US dollars in 2017, but in 2018 it significantly increased to 2.41 US dollars per kg. After that, there was a drop to 1.03 US dollars per kilogram in 2019 and a rise to 1.93 US dollars per kilogram in 2020.

After that, the cost dropped to 0.38 and 0.37 US dollars per kilogram in 2021 and 2022, respectively. This pattern suggests that the cost of importing live buffalo into South Africa is expected to be approximately 0.90 US dollars per kilogram in 2023 and 1.30 US dollars per kilogram in 2024.

Where to Buy Buffalo in South Africa

Trusted websites such as sell Buffalo both in retail and wholesale

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