How Vulnerability Promotes a Happy and Healthy Relationship

Vulnerable in a Relationship

In a relationship, what does it mean to be vulnerable?

The dictionary definitions for the word “vulnerability” don’t seem very encouraging. Words like “capable of being wounded or hurt” or “Susceptible to attacks” will eventually appear.

Everyone can agree that no one wants to feel weak or injured, especially not in front of someone they care about.

The good news is that showing your lover your vulnerability doesn’t indicate weakness at all; on the contrary, it will deepen your romantic bond.

Being open and honest with a partner entails sharing all of your feelings, dreams, and anxieties with them. But not everyone feels at ease displaying vulnerability in a romantic setting.

Below are some examples of how being vulnerable can result in a happy and healthy relationship:

Why Couples Must Display Vulnerability

1.Increase Intimacy with Partners
With your lover, intimacy is a combination of your sexual and emotional bond; without vulnerability, it is impossible to have fulfilling intimacy. Giving your spouse your entire self entails exposing your sensitive side to them.

2. Allow genuine love to enter your life.
It’s true, as corny as it may sound! Although the barriers you’ve erected around yourself were meant to keep you safe from harm, they are now keeping you from truly loving and committing to someone else.

3. Make Yourself Human
We want the other person to see the best side of us while we are in a relationship. We wish to come across as flawless. while applying for a job, perfection is excellent, but it’s not the right thing to do while trying to connect with a romantic partner.

How to be Vulnerable in a Relationship

1. Determine what is causing your discomfort
It can be beneficial to consider why you’re not comfortable sharing personal information with your partner or spouse. Why wouldn’t you want to advance your relationship if you both love and trust your partner?

2. Seek assistance
Never hesitate to ask your spouse for assistance, a listening ear, or whatever else you need right now if you’re having trouble.

3. Talk honestly about your difficulties
Be truthful if you’re the type of person that doesn’t naturally express their emotions! Inform your partner that you have difficulty expressing vulnerability and reassure them that your feelings are unrelated to their personal qualities.

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