Is it Less Expensive to Drive or Fly From Johannesburg to Cape Town?

Is driving from Johannesburg to Cape Town more affordable, or is taking a plane a better option? That’s all there is to it.

The question of whether driving instead of flying from Johannesburg to Cape Town is still more affordable arises in light of the recent increase in fuel prices. Of course, traveling alone or with others also has an influence.

The Cost of Fuel

According to Business Tech, there have been multiple increases in fuel expenses in South Africa as a result of the weakening of the country’s currency and the rise in oil prices worldwide.

Nonetheless, the airline sector has been impacted by the same issues. The cost of airplane tickets has been impacted by exchange rates and jet fuel prices. Between October 2020 to October 2023, the price of jet fuel grew by 223%. Half of the expenses incurred by airlines are related to fuel.

Having said that, it is evident that South Africans must deal with expensive travel expenses whether they choose to drive or fly.

Flying or Driving: Which is Cheaper?

Business Tech looked into how much it would cost to commute from Johannesburg to Cape Town. According to the data, driving is still more cost-effective than flying. This holds true whether you are traveling by yourself or not. Driving, however, is far less expensive if you are traveling in a group. For instance, the expense of driving for a family of four is comparable to that of traveling alone.

Five categories of common car types were used in the investigation. If you drive alone, a single trip from Johannesburg to Cape Town will set you back between R2157 and R2557. A round-trip ticket costs approximately R4708.

The average cost of a return flight ticket for an individual traveling from Johannesburg to Cape Town varies between R4 449 to R6 592, contingent on several factors such as the dates and times of the journey. Of course, flying has the advantage of being considerably faster. As a result, you get to spend more time in Cape Town and save a ton of time.

On the other hand, some people would rather go by car and stop sometimes to take breaks or view new locations. When traveling by car from Johannesburg to Cape Town, many choose to spend the night in Colesberg, an area known for its sheep farming in the center of the Northern Cape.

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