Judge Motata Receives Official Notice of His Dismissal From President Ramaphosa

Retired Judge Nkola Motata.

Impeached Judge Nkola Motata has been formally notified of his removal by President Cyril Ramaphosa. This comes after his impeachment has been finalized. In 2018, the Judicial Conduct Tribunal declared that Motata had engaged in grave misconduct and suggested that he be removed from office.

This is related to the judge’s 2007 driving while intoxicated incident.

Following his conviction, Motata was the target of two complaints: one for intentionally presenting a dishonest defense during his criminal trial, and the other for making racial remarks while under the influence of alcohol following his accident. 296 Members of the National Assembly voted in favor of the impeachment, 1 voted against, and 13 did not vote.

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Motata is the second judge to face impeachment in South Africa’s history of democracy.

Speaking for the President is Vincent Magwenya.

In accordance with Section 177(2) of the Constitution, the President has also dismissed Judge Nkola John Motata, a retired member of the Gauteng High Court division. The National Assembly’s resolution to dismiss Judge Motata in accordance with Section 177 (1)(b) of the Constitution is what prompted the action.

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