Mashaba Acknowledges That MK’s Rise Hurts The Party’s Election Results

Mashaba admits MK emergence hit party’s election performance

Herman Mashaba, the leader of ActionSA, said on Friday that uMkhonto weSizwe’s performance affected his party’s results in the polls.

With 84% of the national vote, the party received slightly over 141,000 votes, or 1.12% of the total.

In the local government elections of 2021, ActionSA achieved progress, which many predicted would result in seats in Parliament.

Mashaba said that the party of former president Jacob Zuma was tampering with the results.

“The MK factor is my theory for what went wrong; the numbers support this.” Please make sure you examine each polling place and all the locations where we ran to see how MK affected our voters.

“What they did, unfortunately, we did not see them coming, which is a factor, I’m sure you guys know very well,”

Mashaba claimed that media attention, which featured MK leader and former president Jacob Zuma taking much of the headlines, also had an impact.

“Well, the entire media apparatus will follow Jacob Zuma if he appears in court tomorrow. You are not present when Herman Mashaba travels to Lille Mine to assist those who have been mistreated, exploited, or violated in their human rights.

We really need to plead with you to just go ahead and follow Zuma; we’re not doing this for ourselves. Thus, regrettably, this approach has an effect in terms of marketing. You people brought Zuma a lot of attention,”

Based on partial election results with two-thirds of the ballots counted, the African National Congress (ANC) looked all but destined to lose its 30-year-old outright majority on Friday.

The party has ruled without opposition from the beginning of the post-apartheid era in 1994, but as of Wednesday’s poll, its share of the vote appears to have fallen below 50%, and after 66% of the votes were counted, it had only received 41.84% of the total.

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) reported that the Democratic Alliance (DA), a center-right party, had secured second place with 22.64% of the vote as voting continued to be verified.

However, the DA’s surge did not reduce the ANC’s share of the votes.

Zuma’s uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) came in third with 12%, an unexpected result for a party that was established just six months prior as a platform for the former ANC leader.

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