May 29 Has Been Declared a Public Holiday by President Ramaphosa.

The IEC will close voter registration for the May 29 elections at midnight on Friday

Officially, May 29, the day that South Africans will cast their ballots for both national and local elections, is a public holiday. President Cyril Ramaphosa declared May 29, 2024, a public holiday in a government gazette on Friday, citing section 2A of the Public Holidays Act.

Along with a proclamation announcing the election date, the declaration was signed on Wednesday. Ramaphosa called on eligible voters to cast their ballots completely, noting that the elections fall on the same day as South Africa celebrates 30 years of freedom and democracy.

Through Vincent Magwenya, his spokesperson, Ramaphosa encouraged South Africans to cast their ballots in large numbers.

“These upcoming elections are a celebration of our democratic journey and a determination of the future that we all desire, beyond the fulfilment of our constitutional obligation,” Ramaphosa stated.

“I urge every South African to use their democratic right to vote, and I also urge those who want to campaign to do so in a nonviolent manner while abiding by all applicable laws. We also implore voters who are not yet registered to use the online registration tool.

Read Also: South Africa to Hold National Elections May 29 – President Cyril Ramaphosa

IEC Closes Voting Registration at Midnight

The IEC will close voter registration for the May 29 elections at midnight on Friday

Before Friday at midnight, voters are encouraged to update their information or register online, according to the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC). The commission’s WhatsApp number is 0600-88-00-00, where you can verify the progress of your registration for the polls on May 29.

There were 27.6 million voter registrations as of Monday, according to the IEC. Every five years, South Africa holds national and provincial elections. This year, the country celebrates 30 years of democracy. You will need your smart ID card, temporary ID certificate, or green bar-coded ID book, in digital form, for online registration.

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