Miss South Africa Natasha Joubert Offers 31 Pupils a Chance to Pursue their Education

Miss South Africa Natasha Joubert

In keeping with her pledge to improve the lives of aspirant South African students, Miss SA 2023 Natasha Joubert has partnered with Boston City Campus to provide bursaries to thirty-one students.


When Natasha revealed that all 31 of the students who had applied for the bursary program had been chosen to attend Boston City Campus, she took them by surprise.

The students believed that they would find out who of the 31 had been selected as the bursary recipient during the online meeting that Natasha attended.

“This Zoom meeting is being held because all of you have been awarded the Boston City Campus bursary, not because you have been shortlisted. You will all be studying in Boston beginning this month (February).

I just wanted to let you know that I have read all of your inspirational messages, looked through your applications, and found a lot of your tales to be relatable.

I hope this qualification can help you change your life’s course and I want you to know that maybe I was the one connecting you folks to Boston.

Natasha Also Won a Bursary and Studied in Boston

The current Miss SA revealed to the kids that, after obtaining a bursary through pageant competition, she also attended Boston City Campus in Arcadia.

Natasha revealed that her mother was unable to pay for her to attend university after her father passed away; instead, she was able to do so because of the Boston bursary that she had earned.

Natasha highlighted her goal to give back and improve the lives of other students who were financially excluded when she won the pageant the previous year.

We’ve been working really hard to choose students, reviewing their motivation letters and applications, and we now get to tell them that they’ve been selected to participate in Boston City Campus’s Natasha Joubert Collective Education Bursary program.

Thirty-one students will start their educational adventure this month.

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