No Law Prevents Me From Leading Sa Once More, Says Zuma


Jacob Zuma, the former president, claims he can take the reins as head of state because he never served out his two terms in office.

Outside the Johannesburg High Court, where he was attending his private prosecution case against President Cyril Ramaphosa, Zuma spoke to members of the MK Party.

He said that the African National Congress, his previous party, forced him to step down.

“There is no legislation that says a new party that has never run for office cannot run, even if I had served the full two terms. Jacob Zuma has never led the MK party in elections, and the MK party has never stood for election. His face won’t appear on the ballot, they already claim, without taking it into account.

After receiving permission from the Electoral Court to run for the next national elections under the MK party flag, the former president denounced the Electoral Commission’s (IEC) decision to keep him off the ballot.

Section 47 of the Constitution, which states that a candidate cannot be elected to Parliament or a legislature if they have been found guilty of a crime and condemned without being given the opportunity to pay a fine, served as the foundation for the IEC’s ruling.

The IEC noted in their response statement that they had asked the Electoral Court to provide justification for the rulings the court had made.

Insinuating that the law is not implemented evenly, Zuma questioned Ramaphosa’s absence from the courtroom in the private prosecution case against him.

In order to allow for the resolution of proceedings in the primary case involving Zuma, senior prosecutor Billy Downer, and journalist Karyn Maughn—which the former president is contesting in the Supreme Court of Appeal—the case has been rescheduled for August 6.

Declaring his innocence, Zuma said Ramaphosa had not been held accountable for the millions of foreign dollars discovered hidden in his sofa at his private estate in Phala Phala.

“I recall that a judge instructed my legal team to bring me before the court when I had been to Cuba for medical care.

“They call me the former president, yet the president who succeeded me has never appeared in court. even after it was discovered that he had concealed cash in mattresses and pillows. He has never appeared in court. What sort of nation is this?

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