North West Devotes the Largest Portion of Its Budget on Education

North West devotes the largest portion of its budget on education.

For the 2024–2025 fiscal year, the North West province’s Finance Department has proposed a budget of more than R53.7 billion. The performance of the province government over the previous 30 years was reflected in the budget.

It also took into account the efforts made by the provincial government to assist struggling communities, the delivery of essential services, and addressing the three main issues of inequality, poverty, and unemployment. However, the province legislature’s opposition parties have low expectations for the budget.

More than R42 billion has been allotted to the social cluster, which includes the departments of Human Settlements, Education, and Health, among others.

The Department of Public Works and Roads received little over R4 billion in funding for the economic cluster. The Economic Development, Environment, Conservation & Tourism Department receives approximately R982 million, while Agriculture and Rural Development get R1.2 billion. However, the Education Department received the largest portion of the funding.

According to Motlalepula Rosho, MEC for Finance for the NW, “In this cluster, the Department of Education receives R21.932 billion, Health is allocated R16.522 billion, Human Settlements budget is R1.826 billion, Social Development allocation amounts to R1.811 billion, while arts, culture, sports & recreation receives R750 million.”

According to Rosho, the provincial departments’ audit results have also improved, going from eight unqualified audit reports in 2019 to 10 unqualified reports. Opposition parties, however, have criticized the budgetary allotment.

Sadly, the budget included no mention of generating employment or even establishing a welcoming atmosphere to attract investors. According to Freddy Sonakile, DA MPL North West, “those Investment Indabas were not even mentioned, and those pledges have no place in the budget.”

“The budget will likely remain the same for the upcoming year, as we observe every year. According to Erns Kleynhans of FF Plus MPL North West, “it won’t be conveyed to service delivery, we won’t see service delivery, real service delivery coming from this budget.”

Young people believe that more needs to be done by the government to create jobs, as 39% of the population in the province is unemployed.

As young people without jobs, we beg the government to help us because a large number of us do not have jobs. Our parents rely on us for support.

“I am 34 years old and have not had a job for the last 12 years. I never worked, I finished my matriculation at the age of 20, and my resume is all over the place. I desired to work as a police officer, prison guard, or correctional officer.

MEC Rosho expresses optimism that the high unemployment rate in the province will be lowered.

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