Over a Hundred Political Parties Wish to Run in the Elections of 2024

According to the IEC, there are over 100 additional political parties who wish to run in the 2024 elections, so forget about the ANC, DA, IFP, and EFF.

For the 2024 elections, over 100 political parties have submitted candidate lists, according to the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC). As of the most recent tally, R437 million has been donated to all of the parties, putting the Democratic Alliance ahead of the African National Congress in terms of party fundraising.

On the other extreme of the political spectrum, however, we are aware that 101 fully independent candidates are running for seats in the national assembly and local legislatures. According to IOL, 14 of the more than 100 parties are already represented in parliament.

Prior to the fiercely contested elections in the past thirty years—which are scheduled for Wednesday, May 29—the IEC is exerting great effort to confirm that each party has complied with the commission’s standards. The commission will let all parties know on Friday, March 22, if their candidates have been accepted.

The commission will then make the list of candidates available for inspection at all national, provincial, and local IEC offices on March 26 and 27. On Wednesday, March 27, at 17:00, anyone wishing to voice a disagreement with any of the nominated candidates may do so.

The following parties have all launched their election manifestos:

  • African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP).
  • African National Congress (ANC).
  • Al-Jama-ah.
  • Build One South Africa (BOSA).
  • Democratic Alliance (DA.)
  • Economic Freedomg Fighters (EFF)
  • Inkhata Freedom Party (IFP).
  • Freedom Front Plus (FF Plus).
  • Pan Africanist Congress (PAC).
  • Rise Mzansi.
  • Umkhonto we sizwe (MK)
  • United Democratic Movement (UDM).

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