Pre-sentencing Procedures in Mkhwanazi Are Delayed by Outstanding Reports.

Pre-sentencing Procedures in Mkhwanazi Are Delayed by Outstanding Reports.

Even though the court issued the order about two months ago, convicted serial killer Sifiso Mkhwanazi has not yet had a mental evaluation.

Mkhwanazi made a brief appearance in the Palm Ridge High Court on Wednesday, and the case was continued until next Friday.

After killing and hiding the bodies of six sex workers in the Johannesburg Central Business District, the 22-year-old was found guilty on six charges of rape, six counts of murder, and an additional six counts of obstructing the course of justice.

When the women’s decaying bodies were found in October 2022 at his father’s auto repair business, Mkhwanazi was taken into custody.

Pre-sentencing proceedings in the multiple murder case could not begin, according to Judge Cassim Moosa, because of a number of unfinished reports. These reports included the victim impact statement, the probation officer’s report, and the risk assessment report that needed to be completed at the Sterkfontein psychiatric institution.

“On Friday, when you return, this court will then make the order for your risk assessment to be conducted from Monday.”

In addition to declaring Mkhwanazi guilty, Moosa also mandated that he be placed under psychiatric monitoring in order to assess his potential for harm.

Mkhwanazi is anticipated to stay at the facility starting on Monday for a month before the mental evaluation report is made public.

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