Pretoria High Court in Palm Ridge Condemned a Jehovah Jireh Pastor to Two Life Sentences for Rape

A preacher from the Jehovah Jireh Church has been found guilty of rape and given two life sentences by the Pretoria High court, which is located in Palm Ridge.

A preacher from the Jehovah Jireh Church has been found guilty of rape and given two life sentences by the Pretoria High court, which is located in Palm Ridge.

Frank Tshabalala received sentences of fifteen years in direct jail for statutory rape, ten years for theft, and one year in direct jail for violence.

In addition to raping a 14-year-old girl in Carletonville, Gauteng in 2018, the 34-year-old also tricked a few other victims into becoming his victims by offering them jobs on Facebook.

According to Lumka Mahanjana, a spokesman for the National Prosecuting Authority, Tshabalala entered not guilty pleas to every accusation brought against him during the trial.

“He claimed he was in a love relationship with all the victims including the 14-year-old girl who was still a virgin at the time of the incident” , Mahanjana added.

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