Ramokgopa Maintains That There is “No Correlation” Between Greater Electrical Supply and Polling.

Ramokgopa Maintains That There is "No Correlation" Between Greater Electrical Supply and Polling.

Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, the minister of electricity, has refuted the theory that the impending elections are connected to the unexpected improvement in the load shedding situation.

Ramokgopa gave a media briefing on Monday regarding the energy action plan’s implementation.

Now, 40 days have passed in South Africa without the dreaded scheduled power outages.

According to Ramokgopa, the work completed during the previous year is the reason load shedding has not occurred.

“There is no connection whatsoever between this performance and May 29th.

“We had no idea that there would be a big ballot date when the team was putting in these efforts and ramping up planned maintenance in December and January.”

According to Ramokgopa, there are no unscrupulous methods at play.

“The Eskom team’s coordinated effort and technical achievement.

As of April 2024, UCF is tracking at roughly 29%, compared to 34% in April 2023, as far as we can tell. Thus, between the same period in April of last year and the similar period in April of this year, we have recovered, in percentage terms, by five percentage points.

“Again, just because the election date has been declared does not mean that you automatically earn and regain those five percentage points.

“In engineering parlance, this is the outcome of process mapping, which stabilizes management and makes sure we utilize and deploy this financial infusion from National Treasury, finding candidate stations that can yield the highest returns in the shortest amount of time.”

The end of load shedding is almost here, Ramokgopa continued.

“I will not make a false claim that we are there, but we are getting there even much quicker than we had anticipated,” he stated.

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