RISE Mzansi Brings the Fight Against Unemployment to the Labor Department’s Doorstep.

According to Rise Mzansi, a picket outside the Department of Labour in Pretoria is scheduled for this Tuesday. The goal of the picket is to demand work and career possibilities for people who are older than 35.

The political party claims that after engaging with many communities around the nation, they came to the conclusion that one of the primary issues is the dearth of jobs.

“On Tuesday, 2024, RISE Mzansi National Leader, Songezo Zibi, will lead a picket at the Department of Labour and Employment in the Capital City,” said Mabine Siabe, a spokesman for the organization. In our interactions with communities, RISE Mzansi has been asked to address the predicament of individuals over 35 who are denied employment prospects due to an artificial age restriction, a practice known as “ageism” in many parts of the nation. New leaders that prioritize the rights of people and their dignity in politics are desperately needed in South Africa.

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