SA Election ’24: Election Results Are Slowly Coming in Following a Frustrating Day With Long Lines

Election Results Are Slowly Coming in Following a Frustrating Day With Long Lines

Thursday saw the slow release of results from Wednesday’s national and local elections, after a lengthy day of voting for South Africans.

Some young people were dissatisfied with the IEC’s handling of the voting procedures due to technical issues and lengthy lines at numerous polling places.

Some South Africans had to stand in line for over five hours in order to cast their ballots.

Jacaranda FM News was informed by one voter, Nicollet Mahlo, that she waited in line till the wee hours of Thursday morning.

“I hope a large number of young people cast ballots, as I believe this to be the main issue with elections. Young people don’t vote, but we still believe that something will happen.

However, I’m really happy that a large number of young people turned out this year.

“Even if this line went from here to Durban, I would have waited on it because it’s so cold,” Mahlo remarked.

She anticipates that the incoming administration will be able to reduce unemployment, increase youth development initiatives, and halt load shedding.

Young voter Comfort Mabitsela stated he wasn’t pleased with the IEC’s election management on Wednesday after casting his ballot.

“IEC needs to perform better. How can one spend five hours in line to cast a ballot?

“I am hoping for a new president, and it is my constitutional right to vote,” he declared.

Another young individual who wasn’t thrilled with the IEC procedures is Reshoketswe Mphahlele.

“I found the procedure to be incredibly time-consuming and chaotic.

“They ran out of markers, were disorganized, and didn’t know who was supposed to vote where at the voting station where I went,” Mphahlele added.

She did, however, stress that she should hold off on using her democratic right.

It is really crucial, especially in light of our nation’s past and the lives lost defending the right to vote.

She continued, “I would also like to ensure that Parliament is diversified.”

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