Seven Real Qualities in Women That Men Value More Than Appearance

7 genuine things men like in women more than good looks

Men tend to be picky when it comes to partnerships. The majority of women think that if they are attractive, any man will want to date them.

You are entirely mistaken if you are the kind of lady that thinks like this. Beyond appearances, there are other qualities that men search for in a woman.

Men are often stereotyped as being more superficially interested in appearances, but let’s face it, who isn’t first attracted to attractive people?

Everyone does. What counts, though, is that men don’t focus too much on appearances. These are the seven qualities that men find most desirable in a woman:

1. Their support

Men adore it when women encourage and assist them in all of their pursuits. I really believe in the proverb that states there is always a woman behind every successful man. Menial and superficial things become irrelevant when your partner actually loves you; ultimately, what matters is what they expect from you.

2. sense of humor

A strong sense of humor is one of the major turns on for men. Nothing compares to how a women feels about a girl who can make them laugh and joke around. When a woman has a good sense of humor, guys adore her because she can laugh at herself and make others laugh too.

3. A competent chef

Today’s ladies are just so afraid to walk into the kitchen and make a nice supper. A respectable portion aren’t even proficient in the kitchen! Guys are attracted to ladies who can fill them up. It’s acceptable to place an occasional order, but avoid doing it too frequently. After all, according to our grandmothers, a man’s stomach leads directly to his heart, so cook for him.

4. An attentive listener

When their wives genuinely pay attention to what they are saying instead of just nodding along, men find this admirable. Everyone needs someone with whom to discuss their days, lives, and jobs. There are a lot of things that happen and events that take place every day, and we all need someone with whom to discuss it all.

5. When they’re feeling emotional

Men are sentimental creatures who adore it when a woman feels passionate about them. In the end, men adore it when a woman is able to communicate her sentiments.

6. When they’re on their own

When a woman is independent and self-sufficient, men adore her. Many of the individuals I know are insecure about this since men find it really attractive when a woman succeeds in what she does, is ambitious, and never stops pushing herself to reach her objectives.

7. Reliable

Even if you make an effort to restore trust, the foundation will always be weaker after it has been damaged. Men will compliment your appearance on a daily basis unless you choose to turn them down. Telling lies to your partner will just make him go, and he won’t return.

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