Sizwe Kupelo, the Fraud Suspect, Returned to Court on Tuesday.

Sizwe Kupelo

Chief of the Eastern Cape Department of Health’s Communications Unit Sizwe Kupelo was released on R30,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in court again on April 30.

On Wednesday, Kupelo turned himself in to the police at the East London police station, where he was accused of forgery and fraud.

Following his appearance in court before the Zwelitsha magistrate, he was released with the stipulation that he would not communicate with his colleagues Bulela Chaka, Khunjulwa Livi, Siyanda Manana, or Cinga Dyantyi.

Forged Certificate of Matriculation

Kupelo is accused of using a fake matriculation certificate in 2001 and 2002 to get hired by the department as a communication liaison officer and in his current position as deputy director of communications.

Kupelo has over ten years of experience working with the department.

According to reports, Kupelo’s investigation was first opened by the police in November 2021.

Kupelo’s lawyer, Asanda Pakade, claimed that the charges leveled against his client are baseless and malicious.

Nothing Has Been Filed Against My Client.

“We believe that there is no case against my client based on what we have seen in the charge sheet,” Pakade stated.

“We don’t expect this to go to a file, therefore we would be shocked even if it did.

“We are quite certain that there isn’t a case, but we are waiting for the state to fully reveal the details.”

Clean and Efficient Government

In a statement, the department stated that it will assist with the inquiry that aims to improve the credibility of the services it offers to the general public.

It further stated that it was in favor of any measures promoted by the province’s clean and competent government.

In a statement released late on Wednesday, the department stated, “The department has noted the arrest and subsequent release on bail of its official.”

“However, the department cannot and will not comment further on the matter as it is now a criminal matter handled by the elite crime-fighting unit.”

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