Taiwan Warns Chinese Coast Guard Boats to “Turn Around Immediately.”

As tensions rise across the delicate Taiwan Strait, Taiwan on Saturday issued a warning to Chinese coast guard ships that ventured into its restricted seas close to frontline islands near China for the second day in a row.

The Kinmen islands, which are under Taiwanese authority and border China, have limited waters. On Saturday morning, four Chinese coast guard boats, according to Taiwan’s coast guard, entered these waters. It said that despite being requested to leave by Taiwanese authorities, the Chinese vessels stayed for slightly over an hour.

Despite Taiwan’s adamant protests, China regards the democratically run island as its own territory. In recent years, it has increased its military presence close to Taiwan, invading air defense identification zones practically every day.

“You have ventured into the restricted waters of our nation.” In a radio communication to their Chinese colleagues, a Taiwanese official stated, “Please turn around immediately,” as seen in video that Taiwan’s coast guard published on Saturday.

In the video, a Taiwan coast guard boat is seen following the path of two Chinese ships in close proximity.

“Traffic and safety have been severely impacted by the change. Taiwan’s coast guard issued a statement saying, “We urge them to stop such behaviors to avoid triggering naval incidents.”

China’s coast guard did not immediately respond, and its contact information is not available to the general public.

According to Taiwan’s official Central News Agency, China’s coast guard patrolled the area around the Kinmen Islands on Friday as well. Four Chinese coast guard boats were reportedly warned to stay away by their Taiwanese counterparts.

Following the deaths of two Chinese nationals who attempted to escape Taiwan’s coast guard when their boat entered forbidden waters, China’s coast guard started conducting routine patrols around Kinmen last month.

On Thursday, Taiwan sent coast guard vessels to assist in a rescue operation after a Chinese fishing vessel capsized close to the Kinmen islands, per China’s request. In light of the increased tensions, Taiwan’s administration has emphasized the value of cooperation between Taiwan and China.

Taiwan also dispatched multiple boats on Friday in response to China’s request to assist in the search for a Chinese fisherman who went overboard close to the Taiwan-controlled Matsu islands, which are located at the northern end of the Taiwan Strait.

A senior Taiwan security official told Reuters that Beijing is continuing to harass Taiwan and is sending out “confusing” messages. The individual also sought anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the topic. Taipei is being asked to assist Beijing in handling maritime crises.

The Chinese coast guard’s most recent actions in Kinmen, according to the official, “did not carry substantial security threats,” but they did complicate the issue.

“We have no idea,” the official declared. “They are showing their teeth and claws today, and yesterday we tried to save their fishermen.”

The top China policy-making body in Taiwan pleaded with its massive neighbor last week not to send coast guard boats into prohibited regions in the waters close to Kinmen in an attempt to alter the “status quo.”

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