The Auditor General Finds R14.3 Billion in Violations From Government Agencies

More than 260 complaints of substantial irregularities totaling R14.3 billion have been found by Auditor-General Tsakani Maluleke’s office and are ascribed to both national and provincial government organizations.

She gave the Standing Committee on the Auditor General of Parliament a briefing.

Non-compliance, fraud, theft, or a breach of fiduciary obligations are examples of material irregularities, and an impact is when the public coffers are lost, misused, or harmed.

According to Maluleka, 266 material abnormalities were reported during the fiscal year 2022–2023.

“Of the 266 MIs that we have found, 240 have been linked to situations in which we have an approximation of a financial loss—a considerable financial loss. The cumulative total of those losses during the time is estimated to be R14.3 billion.

According to Maluleke, some cases have been forwarded to police enforcement.

“In eight cases, we have referred matters to investigative bodies; in some of the cases, we have also received a combination of referrals and recommendations.”

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