The Bus Accident in Limpopo is Being Investigated

Bus crash in Limpopo

The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) reports that the preliminary phase of the investigation is still ongoing to determine what caused the bus crash in Limpopo that claimed the lives of forty-five Botswana citizens.

On Thursday, between Marken and Mokopane, on the R518 at the Mma Matlakala Bridge, there was a collision.

On an Easter trip, the bus was carrying passengers from Gaborone, Botswana, to the Saint Engenas Zion Church of Christ.

It is only one eight-year-old child who has survived.

“We anticipate that it will take a few more days before any conclusion can be reached, because part of it will have evolved into a mechanical investigation on the bus itself,” said RTMC Spokesperson Simon Zwane. Before we can understand what actually happened, we also need to see whether there are any hints that can be gleaned from that, which may take a few days.

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