The Department of International Relations and Cooperation Reports That It Has Finished Getting Ready for the Overseas Voting Procedure.

Dirco ready for South Africans abroad to cast vote

According to the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, all necessary arrangements for the overseas voting procedure have been finalized.

Election day in South Africa is May 29.

Thousands of people have registered to vote overseas.

According to the department, all 115 foreign missions will get the pertinent voting materials from the Independent Electoral Commission.

They will be put in diplomatic airfreight bags, according to spokeswoman Clayson Monyela.

“A short-term contract has been established for this reason. Diplomatic immunity safeguards the diplomatic luggage.

“DIRCO makes use of diplomatic bags to dispatch official documents and articles to and from South Africa in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963.”

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