The EFF Eastern Cape Launches its Provincial Manifesto at Buffalo City Stadium, East London

The EFF joins the rest of the African continent in commemorating Namibia’s 34 years of independence from colonial and apartheid rule.

“For the Namibian people, the realisation of our most cherished goal, namely the independence of our country and the freedom of our people, is fitting tribute to the heroism and tenacity with which our people fought for this long- awaited day. We have been sustained in our difficult struggle by the powerful force of conviction in the righteousness and justness of our cause. Today history has absolved us, our vision of a democratic state of Namibia has been translated into a reality.”

CIC Julius Malema Addresses Fighters at the EFF ECManifesto Launch


“Our manifesto, is a manifesto of hope to the people of uMdantsane, a manifesto of hope to all those parents who lost their children who fell into pit toilets, this is a message of hope to all children who attend mud schools in the Eastern Cape.”

The Eastern Cape can be turned into the Agricultural Hub of South Africa, where we put water and give our people the seeds and the tools to work the land.

For the #EFFECManifestoLaunch, people from all over the Eastern Cape assemble at Buffalo City Stadium.

Read the full manifesto here

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