The Electoral Commission of South Africa Revealed Where Most Mzansi Voters Live.


The bulk of Mzansi citizens’ polling places have been disclosed by the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC), with precisely five weeks remaining till election day. Additionally, it advises voters how to switch their voting location if necessary.

In just five weeks, on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, South Africa’s democracy will witness what looks to be its most momentous day in thirty years. According to recent polls, the African National Congress (ANC) is losing support, and opposition parties like the Democratic Alliance (DA) really stand a chance of winning. This is where the vast majority of Mzansi voters will be heard.

Majority of Mzansi Voters

According to TimesLive, it should come as no surprise that the IEC in Gauteng has the most registered voters. 6.5 million of the 28 million South Africans who have registered to vote in the 2024 election—the highest number since the country’s democratization in 1994—live in Gauteng, accounting for roughly 25% of all voters.

Thabo Masemula, the provincial electoral officer for Gauteng, claims that the IEC in the province has proceeded to the advanced stage of planning. Additionally, election materials are en route to provincial warehouses throughout the region.

In addition to its 2 797 voting locations, the province has set aside 203 temporary locations. As per the most recent count, there are 1,302 voting centers. Masemula claims that by increasing the number of polling places, access will be expanded and station wait times will be decreased.

Voter Education

Voter education needs to happen quickly over the next five weeks, according to Masemula, as there is some concern around the third ballot that must be completed by May 29. In order to conduct in-person voter and balloting instruction, the electoral commission is hiring up to 200 facilitators of democracy education. Likewise, it intends to leverage every media outlet at its disposal to enhance voter and ballot education.

Five weeks from now, on election day, 2 797 voting locations throughout the province will be staffed by 8 619 presiding officers, deputies, and voters’ roll officers. In addition, 22 832 extra support personnel have been hired and trained to help on the day.

Suppose You’ve Moved

The IEC states that you must re-register if you are unable to cast your ballot at the station where you are registered for any reason. If you need to modify your polling station, be sure to create a profile on the IEC voting portal and then examine and manage your address. Keep in mind that if your voting district does not match your registration, you will not be permitted to cast a ballot.

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