The M1 Tunnel Fire May Cause Darkness “For a While” in the Impacted Areas.

Areas affected by M1 tunnel fire could still be in the dark ‘for a while’

On Monday, City Power will carry on removing the debris from the tunnels where the utility’s electrical infrastructure was devastated by fire.

This comes after multiple surrounding communities were left in complete darkness on Wednesday due to an underground fire that started in one of the tunnels beneath the M1.

Teams from City Power are clearing away burnt cables, other debris that has accumulated on the surface of the tunnel, and pieces of the cement slab that broke and peeled off as a result of the heat from the fires.

After clearing everything out, the crew will get ready to install new cables, according to utility spokesman Isaac Mangena.

“The crew succeeded in finishing the tunnel inspection on Saturday. They found that 300 meters of copper cable had been stolen and severed during that procedure, demonstrating that tampering was the root of the fires.”

“Unfortunately, only a small portion of the impacted clients were able to receive our backfeeding attempts. Since the city lacks the generator capacity to power every impacted suburb, there are no other options for supplying the affected clients.

But it will take some time. Following the completion of the rubble removal process, City Power will notify consumers regarding the potential timeframe for power restoration.”

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