Three Methods for Making Pizza Without Yeast or an Oven

make pizza at home

How much we all adore pizza! It is a dish that appeals to all age groups. This is a simple Italian treat that anyone with an oven and some yeast in the kitchen can prepare at home.

But did you know that you don’t even need yeast or an oven to cook pizza at home? For starters, here are 5 ways to bake pizza without using yeast or an oven!

1. Pan pizza mixed with lemon juice and baking soda

All you need to make this pizza is a few ingredients and a non-stick or cast iron skillet. Make the dough first. Mix together 2 cups all-purpose flour, ¾ cup warm water, 1 tsp salt, ½ tsp baking soda, and ½ tsp lemon juice in a large mixing basin. Work up a soft dough, place a bowl on top, and let it rise for 20 to 25 minutes. To make the dough elastic, pound it. Form a mold resembling the pizza crust. Place two tablespoons of oil in a nonstick skillet, add the pizza foundation, and flip it after three to four minutes. Reduce the heat and pour marinara or ketchup over it. For your pizza, mozzarella cheese and any vegetarian or non-vegetarian topping are options. Once the cheese has melted and the toppings have cooked, cover and simmer for four to five minutes.

2. Using a sourdough starter, grill pizza

This recipe can be prepared with a stovetop grill rack or a grilling machine. Simply combine 600 grams of all-purpose flour and 2 ½ cups of water to create your own sourdough starter. Leave it covered and at room temperature. The following day, add 600 grams of all-purpose flour and the same volume of water once more. Stir thoroughly, cover, and then remove. For the next three days, carry out the same procedure. You’ll see bubbles forming every day, which indicates that the dough is being fermented by the yeast. It keeps best for five days when kept in the refrigerator in an airtight container. Instead of using one teaspoon of yeast in your pizza dough, use a half-cup of sourdough starter. Prepare the pizza crust as normal. Grease a grilling rack on the stove and place the pizza base on top of it. Once toasted on one side, turn over and cover with cheese, sauces, and toppings. Cook, covered, for three to four minutes on low heat.

3. Pizza with milk, vinegar, and baking soda

For some people, adding lemon juice to their pizza might not seem like a good idea. To achieve the same results, you can use ½ tsp vinegar, ½ tsp baking soda, and ½ tsp milk for the yeast in your pizza dough. Before making the pizza base, you can let the dough rest for ten minutes, but it will still rise while cooking. You can cook this in a deep dish with loads of cheese, like number 2, or you can prepare it like a pan pizza if you want the authentic pizza experience!

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