Types of Tattoos You Should Never Get

Types of Tattoos You Should Never Get

Tattoos are attractive for many different reasons, regardless of whether you are adamantly against getting anything inked on your body or you think they enhance the beauty of the temple that is your body. You may even decide to get at least one tattoo or just enjoy them from a distance.

The Desire to Acquire a Tattoo

Undoubtedly, we have all experienced the allure of getting inked at some point in our lives. However, if you consider yourself to be spiritual, getting inked may have greater significance for you.

There is always a secret significance behind the craziest things that people get tattooed in the strangest places.

Steer Clear of These 4 Tattoos!

Therefore, the following list of four tattoos—which are said to be unlucky because they could convey negative universal energy—is for you to consider whether you’re interested in getting inked or if you’re just curious.

Name of Your Partner

How often have you heard of celebrities having their former partners’ names removed by laser or covered up following a difficult breakup? Numerous instances demonstrate that getting your partner’s name permanently inked on your body could be detrimental to your relationship.

Therefore, tattoo artists advise against getting your loved one’s name inked and instead consider more creative ways to express your devotion if you want to prove your love.

Tattoos with Religious Themes

Many people acquire tattoos with religious symbols such as “Om,” “Cross,” and “Swastika.” Many tattoo artists think that if they are not done properly, they could have detrimental psychological and physical implications. Therefore, it’s crucial that you either forego the concept entirely or have the original theme tattooed before getting the tattoo.


Since 666 is referred to as the “number of the beast,” some tattoo artists feel that getting the same tattooed anyplace on the body could attract unfavorable energy or bring ill luck.

Horrific Tattoos

We would also like to issue a warning to those who enjoy graphic content. Obtaining extremely strange and eerie tattoos may, in the opinion of some tattoo artists, attract similar energy into your life.

In summary

Ultimately, it is entirely up to you what you wish to have permanently inked, but it is crucial that you give it much thought before committing to anything like this.


Keep in mind that getting a tattoo is a type of physical alteration, and what you acquire on your body has an impact on your psyche. Spend some time considering all of your possibilities, even if you do not particularly believe in the concepts of good and bad luck.

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