Why You Can Be at Risk While Submerging Lemon Wedges in Water

Why You Can Be at Risk While Submerging Lemon Wedges in Water

When you go to a restaurant or bar, you’ll frequently see the bartenders topping your drink with a slice of lemon. Many find the sparkling beverage with a lemon slice to be enticing, but proceed with caution!

Are you curious as to why? Hopefully, the following reasons will help you understand why, and the next time you visit a bar or café, you will be more mindful of what you drink.

Lemon Wedges Have Been Shown to Harbor Dangerous Bacteria.

Following the reports of illnesses brought on by lemon drink, 76 lemons from 27 eateries were found to contain bacteria and other contaminants that could have sickened people, according to a 2007 study that was published in the Journal of Environmental Health.

Findings From the Research

According to the data that was published, almost 70% of the lemon slices included bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms, including E. coli. This study demonstrated that even while lemons naturally destroy germs, infections can still occur.

Both Human Excrement and Bacteria

According to research on food, there are probably far more bacteria in the lemon slice in your drink than there are on your plate. According to an ABC investigation, servers at restaurants sometimes pick up lemons without wearing gloves. This implies that, should they fail to wash their hands after using the restroom, the germs and bacteria on their hands might potentially spread to the lemons. Additionally, there have been cases where restaurants have skipped the thorough cleaning of each fruit and have just rinsed the peel.

How can this be Resolved?

Simply ask the server to provide water or soda without a lemon if you can’t resist the taste of water, lemon, and soda. All you have to do is squeeze in the juice and set the wedges aside. Make sure to wash the lemons before adding them to your glass when preparing lemon water at home.

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